Friday, January 11, 2008

Bass Guitar


brex said...


Can I join your band and play the bass guitar?

I know some songs that it would sound great in.

What is the name of your band by the way?

Anonymous said...

sure. it would probably sound really gross, but who knows, add some distortion and a whawha pedal and we'll see what happens.

don't have a name yet. Anderson likes the name 'rockaways' even though theres already a band called that.

i want something that screams blues/rock, like

Delta Rock Quarry or
Tokyo Rose or something really cool that i havent even thought of yet. I also like what some guy said earlier, 'doomsicle' even though he stole it from aqua teen.

brex said...

I think you should choose 3-4 intials and think of random words to put together like STP did.

whos in the band? you could use your names.

Hard Animal Nostrils


Anonymous said...

Not a bass guitar, but check this out about a Twins fan collecting jerseys. Some obscure Twins collected along the way.

haasertime said...

that '84 gardenhire one is sweet