Well I can admit that this little Playoff Pool idea was a little more involved than I anticipated. I apologize for all the mistakes I made while trying to do this, but I am over 86.3% sure the final results are accurate.
After a pretty lame postseason if you ask me, only one man came out ahead. He didn't lead the whole time, but as the only person to pick the Red Sox to sweep in the World Series, it gave him enough points to come out on top.
Here is his trophy.

I adjusted the mistakes I made (too many points to Mr. P, not enough to Brunner or Damerus) and here are the final results.
Haasertime - 46pts
MrP - 38pts
TW83 - 37pts
TW83 - 37pts
Tfrezac - 27pts
Aunt Mary - 18pts
Aunt Mary - 18pts
BizMarkie - 16pts
Brunner - 16pts
Damerus - 16pts
Daymonster - 16pts
Jeff - 15 pts
Soup - 13pts
LittleJo - 12 pts
Brex - 8pts
Roy - 4pts
Jeff - 15 pts
Soup - 13pts
LittleJo - 12 pts
Brex - 8pts
Roy - 4pts
On a somewhat related note, Curt Shilling is now one of my least favorite pitchers. Today he listed about 13 teams that he would be willing to play for and guess what? The Twins were left of his list.
His list includes, Cleveland, Los Angeles Angels, Philadelphia, Arizona Dbacks, Chicago Cubs, Detroit, St. Louis, The New York Mets, Atlanta, the Los Angeles Dodgers, San Diego and Milwaukee.
What the fuck Curt?!
"There are a million little things that go into this from stadiums to school districts to travel to spring training to etc. etc. etc.," Schilling wrote, "but the list represents the teams after Boston that have some of the off the field things that are big to us, plus the potential to go into October next year."
Screw you Schilling. Minnesota has some great school districts, and you would love the temperature controlled Metrodome, you old bastard.
The only good thing about this, is there is another team Schilling left off his list... The New York Yankees.
not sure why this formating sucks so much. I have spent about 30 minutes trying to figure it out.
Haas... fix it.
wooohooo, i beat Bres!!
I dunno who these old and "accomplished" pitchers think they are now-a-days. Between Clemens showing up in June and still getting 24 mil and Schilling presenting a list of teams he would sign with I say its time for them both to retire.
Pro baseball players never seem to get how great their lives actually are. They get paid to play freaking baseball, who cares if its in New York or Minnesota for that matter. The Twins have a great organization and the Twin Cities are ranked as the one of the top place to raise a family every year. So if Schilling thinks he's too good for somewhere like Minnesota then he can go *#@! himself, we dont want him here anyways.
On a side note the new Twins stadium looks like its going to be a classic. Those new pics and videos are so cool that I bet even Haas is pumped for its opening now.
yEAH!! i fucking rule. i'd just like to thank my brain for being so smart. i will be making myself a tshirt to show off this awesome accomplishment.
remember when AH wrote an open letter to mike piazza when he said he wanted to play on the coasts? perhaps we should do the same thing for schilling. our schools are great, and he claims he wants to teach some young arms the ways of the game. and he blogs. but then again, he was a d-bag before all this, and we wouldnt sign him anyway.
ive always been pumped for the new stadium.
it looks ok now tom. way better than the formatting job i did on Soups friday post. it sucks now cuz i have this 9-5 job where there is no computers. ima have to write blogs at night and shit now. and miss out on the convo til late afternoon. and to make matters worse, we have spam comments invading.
Here's what I like about the ballpark design: It's not trying to look like Jacobs Field or Camden Yards or that strange new named-for-bank park in Philadelphia. They're each very nice, but also they try a little too hard to be 'classic' in a fakey 19th century way. The Twins' design is modern (but not so pushy like the Walker or the Guthrie) and it seems to concentrate on the right thing -- the view to the playing field!
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