By TwinsWin83
It’s been a while since I’ve taken the writers version of an intentional walk and made a list about something. Even though I spend a lot more time complaining about the NFL then I do complimenting it I like to keep things fair, so here are five things I like and dislike about the playoffs.
5. The underdogs actually stand a chance. Over the last decade, only once have the two #1 seeds from each conference matched up in the Super Bowl, and the last two years the AFC’s representative has been a team that played Wild Card Weekend.
4. Cold weather games. I think the Vikings need to look into a strictly outdoor stadium as they push for a new one over the next few years. I’m no fan of Green Bay but that’s the way the game is meant to be played, up here in the bitter cold or anywhere for that matter. The games are supposed to be outdoors, just like baseball.
3. Commercials. Companies that advertise during football games tend to step up their game to impress us viewers during playoff games, and especially during the Super Bowl. Now, I don’t typically watch these commercials but when I do forget to change the channel, I like to laugh.
2. Post-game interview with the losing coach. This might sound a bit cruel but try and stay with me here for a minute. I mention this because everytime I tune in for this portion of the post-game I pray that the coach, instead of bowing his head and conceding his team’s season to an opponent that “just wanted it more,” will finally let loose and say what he really means. All I want is a coach to get a hold of that mic and scream about the cheap hits, horrible calls and terrible players he has that led to this defeat. Is that too much to ask for?
1. Knowing that after the Super Bowl, it’s finally over. I don’t hate football by any stretch of the imagination but what I do hate is the never-ending football analysis by ESPN and the fact that the team I cheer for will never win a Super Bowl. Once the Super Bowl is over that means the season is done and we are all that much closer to what really matters, the start of baseball season.
5. The typical storylines that the media likes to focus on, and eventually beat to death before the games even start. You know what I’m talking about. Is this Bret Favre’s last game? Can Eli ever win in New York? How will the cold weather affect the game? Patriots, Patriots, Patriots. I understand that some of these are important issues but at least try and discuss something else as well to create the illusion of balanced coverage. This is my biggest problem with ESPN, just like it is during baseball season. I know the Yankees and Red Sox played today, but can I maybe see some other highlights first?
4. Two weeks between conference title games and the Super Bowl. I remember growing up when the big game would be played at the end of January. Now we have to wait until like mid-March. Listening to all the analysis on the radio and television is terrible enough, but it would be easier to handle if it were only for one week instead of two.

3. Pre and Post-game interviews. Is there anything more awkward to watch on live TV then Pam Oliver asking some dude seconds after a win why he is so totally awesome? Unless a coach is flipping out or Randy Moss explaining how he pays his fines, I don’t want to hear it.
2. The Super Bowl is the biggest circus on the planet. I’m not sure what else to say about this except that the Super Bowl has turned into a two week-long Gong Show, making it almost unwatchable at points. It has become more about everything surrounding the game then the game itself. Yeah, yeah, I sound like an old geezer, but it's true.
1. Joe Buck. Insert your own punch line here.

Too bad your #1 dislike in football also exists in baseball -- with a dumber sidekick.
i like some commercials during the superbowl, but for the rest of the season, the commercials are terrible. They are about one thing: Men being men and probably being fat and drinking beer. It could be two people chest bumping who normall wouldnt chest bump, or it could be about a guy who will do anything for a beer and some football on tv. pretty ignoramous stuff.
the nfl is cold and corporate, and then over-intensity influences the rubes to to do stupid stuff like duct tape sons to posts and tatoo tom bradys helmet to a head and so on and so forth.
oh yeah, i also hate that fox robot.
very true k-bro. very true.
My list of likes in the NFL consists completly of Mark Setterstrom.
My list of dislikes consists of everything else in any, even minor, way associated with it.
Let's boycott all Superbowl pregame mumbo-jumbo. I'm not turning the channel to football, until the opening kickoff. I challenge you to do the same.
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