By Tom Daymont
So, here is a short synopsis of some of the memorable moments of Summer 2k7.
Here I am with Sarah, a friend from St. Olaf at the White Sox/Twins series (the one where the Twins won 12-0) We got Neshek to laugh at the sign, and got Nathans and Rincon's Autograph.

This is me and Marta (Anna's friend) at the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill Concert. This is my pretending like I am having fun face.

This is me and my brother-in-law (The bald one) racing at Wisconsin Dells. The little fucker between us had a faster cart and kept ramming us. So we boxed him in and slowed down. He got so mad he broke his shoe.

Here is another picture from our Wisconsin Dells trip. Apparently the computers went down so they over-booked the hotel by like 12 rooms. So essentially, to make a very long story short, we ended up sleeping in the hotel bar, but were compensated for our troubles with free drinks all night at the bar and priority karaoke placement (we could sing whenever we wanted).

This is team "Loras Sucks" at Loras College Fundraiser Flippy Cup Tournament. We were the number one seed going into the actual tournament after the round-robin play. But we lost in the first round to the team that hadn't won all night.

Here is Anna and I (and a creepy cotton candy guy) at Wrigley.

This is me and Anna's Parents (and dog) camping at Indiana Dunes State Park.
Welp, that's about it. I felt like I did more this summer, but I guess not.
I have decided not to post my own pictures, but instead will tell you exactly how to see what I have seen. First, find a plain, gray, cement wall. Make sure there are a lot of wild dogs around that will bark for no reason 24 hours a day. Second, park in front of said wall. Third, wearing your winter jacket, sit on top of your car. Fourth, stare at wall. Fifth, imagine Aladin is slaughtering goats on the other side. Sixth, After 12 hours of this, go home. But don't go inside your house. Instead sleep in a tool shed. Then at 5 o'clock the next morning. Do it again.
I have all the pictures I have taken on the facebook if anyone is interested in what the wall looks like.
I did see an Iraqi drink gasoline once. He almost died. That was pretty funny.
free drinks and top priority for karaoke trumps anything I've done this summer.
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