UPDATE: Pictures from the Uniform Unveil, November 16th.
Note: Here's the updated rumors7. A possible home alternate version of number 5 this one has piping around the sleeves and pants, along with the new M hat. (different than the infamous red alt uniforms of 1997)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Say What?! New Twins Uniforms?
The Twins will probably get new uniforms to go along with their shiny new stadium next year. And they'll probably have a different look to them, too. Does this mean the end for the happy Twins script? Will it be a rollback to the classic cursive design, or something totally new and different? Take a look at these leaked renderings:
1. Somewhat similar to the uniforms worn at the opener with some minor changes like the socks, jersey color, and number color scheme.
2. This is the original color scheme for the old Twins scripts used in the 60s and early 70s. This uniform also features a new cap, utilizing the "T" from the twins script. It also uses a different style of numbers.
The 1965 Killebrew look. I think this one is a fan favorite.
3. Similar to the blue practice jerseys this uni features the classic TC insignia on the left chest panel.
4. This uniform features a new Minnesota type face on the uniform and on the hat.
5. This jersey features blue and red piping along the sleeves and the sides of the pants. It also has the original Minnesota script, and border less blue numbers.
6. Similar to the above jersey, this uniform features the original script, but without the "Twins" and the starts below "Minnesota." This uniform also features a new hat design, which utilizes the "M" and the star from jersey's script.
8. This version has the familiar alternate blues look with the old school "Minnesota" accross the chest. But the hat is a tribue to the Indianapolis/Ethiopian Clowns of the Negro League and barnstorming days.
9. A lot of people like the powder blue. This one mixes the loved and hated Twins script with the light blue. Not sure how people would feel about the hat.
10. Classic looking uniform with the old script, powder blue jersey and red and blue piping.
11. This uniform is based off the iconic image of the two ball players shaking hands over the Mississippi. Why just wear that patch on your sleeve when you could wear the actual uniform. Even the Ronald McDonald yellow shoes.
12. A jersey most of us would fear.
13. Looks like the Twins are looking to capitalize on the Twitter craze with this new uni. I think the url for the player's twitter page is a nice touch. Surprisingly it looks kind of like a Mariner's jersey.
Let us know which versions you like best, and/or any other suggestions you have for the new uniforms.
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I dig the second one, with the stylized T on the cap. I will forever be a fan of the TC caps though.
I am not too hot on the powder blues. Just not my style.
I also like the red. Does anyone else remember the ill fated red jerseys the twins wore on Sunday home games back in the day? They lost something like 11 in a row in them and were never worn again.
My vote would be for these 1965 homes to return. They are simple and classic.
I also like the away versions of those jerseys too.
The grey ones you have on here with the Minnesota lettering and the star above the I are pretty cool too.
The powder blues would only work with white pants, not powder blue pants.
Im guessing no matter what happens with the jerseys next year we wont see a change in the logos on the hat. I think the TC is back to stay.
The Twins wore the red alt jerseys in 2000 and stopped wearing them because they appeared orange on television.
I was telling haas that, that jersey you posted, is my dream jersey. With the killebrew number on the back too.
I just don't think it's going to look as cool with the new polyester jerseys. The reason that one is could is because they are off-white wool jerseys with non uniform pinstripes.
I also realize that a lot of those looks would never fly but I just wanted to play around with some new looks. While I like the TC, I am not opposed to a completely new hat. You can always go back.
i really like the current twins script becuase it looks happy. i like the classic look, but i'll miss the current blocky look. I don't like the red hats with the blue bill at all, but what about all red hats?
i hope they don't try to do anything really cool and modern.
everyone hates the red and blue hat, it's my favorite.
I am scared to death of what they are going to come up with. I guarantee all of these concepts are better than what 'the powers that be' will choose. I just hope it doesn't have a huge Target bull's eye on it or even on the 'inaugural season patch.'
I agree with the no, "really cool and modern" logo. Unless they come up with something that is actually really cool and modern.
I prefer the Killebrew look. Although Morneau has twice the threes and all the advice he can get from #3, He'll never be the 3 Killebrew was.
The red jerseys were worn for 2 games in 1997, not 11. They lost both games in addition to be ridiculed by ESPN as the "Dairy Queen" jerseys (DQ sign was behind home plate).
Don't care for many of these designs. The new Minnesota script on the blue jeresy (no tail) is about the best.
If you are going to change, don't go back to an old script!
I think the Twinner jerseys look like the Blue Jays' jerseys.
#2 & #3 are good except for the hat; the "T" is awful & there's no reason to re-create the 65 uniform if you're not going to re-create the hat too.
#5 would be a nice road uniform - but, again, use the all-navy "TC" hat.
NO POWDER BLUE!!!!!! We're not a softball team.
well done. The logo uni is ugly, but I love the idea of it.
In my opinion 3 and 5 are the most fierce.
7 is a hot tranny mess (am I using that right)
the 1965 and number 9 are my favorites. I would be so happy if they wore the 9. the hat looks so good too.
Absolutely hate the idea of getting new jerseys...I love the ones we have now!!!!!
yes, i would fear #12...yikes, but i like the 1965 one dont like the STARS on 5? were not so starish...if u know what i mean, 4 is ok..i just dont like the hat ,
Some of these uniforms look nice while others look like an eye sore. Whatever they do they should throw away the idea of numbers 2,3and 4!! (Who are we the the Blue Jays??). I also think they should throw away the idea of a different hat (how can you get rid of the TC and solid navy blue??), and should have no names on the back of our home jerseys (the home team fans should know there players)... Also PLEASE stick with the TC logo on the hats!! The M and T looks horrible and is flat out not right!!!!
As a traditionalist, I like the original Twins uniform from the ‘60’s. If you look at some of baseball’s most storied franchises (such as the NY Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, San Francisco Giants, Baltimore Orioles, St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs), one thing you will notice is that their uniforms have much the same vintage look with minor modifications. This is Tradition! As a Twins fan since their beginning, their original uniform has always been the best, in my view. It is one of major league baseball’s classics! Along with the move to their new stadium next year, the team should renew its tradition by going back to its original uniforms (#2 here, with the exception that they should go with the solid blue cap with the TC, nothing else…ever heard the expression, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”?-it applies here.
I like #1 and #3 only with Blue "TC" caps, Twins should ditch the "M" caps
5 and 6 are the worst. They look like unis teams in Little League would use. Maybe that's a bit too harsh - possibly college.
I do like the Killebrew '65, off-white jersey. Classic Twins.
Powder blue= Classic I love them
I love the classic jersey but do think they should have their names on the back. we may have lost in the red ones before but i still think they are very cool. the darker blue color with the new minnesota text with the star above the i is also a very cool design but as most people have said the TC hat is by far the coolest hats we've had, i think that the powder blue would look great with white or even off-white pants...
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