By Michael Haas
Anyone can make a list of shit that pisses one off. But sometimes, like Bres, you must choose life. Ron Gardenhire once said, "You can't focus on all that negative stuff, you'll beat yourself up."
Anyone can list fairly broad and ambiguous things that make them happy. It's easy to just list non-specific stuff like "the crack of the bat", "a good book" or "oxycontin;" but I wanted to do something a little more fun, listing things that bring a smile to my face just thinking about. So here it goes. Geez my face hurts already.
* KISS's Lick It Up music video
* When my friend Wuters used to say in that cheesy Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous guys voice "It's good to be...Ashton Kutcher"
* Seeing a girls relationship status change from "in a relationship" to "single"
(even if I have no intention of even talking to the girl)
* Hollering "YEEEEE-HAAAWW" during almost any country song
* Sometimes my friend Troy does this dance-thingy. It's a bit obscene, but it usually makes me laugh uncontrollably.
* When theres room to spread out at the Dome (an empty seat all around you) and a Twins lead, a beer in one hand and a dog in the other, while talking to friends
* When I call my friend Jenna or my friend Melissa and I ask them "how are you?" they always say "good, you?" in a sorta Minnesotan accent. They never say "and you?" or "pretty good how are you?" they just say "you?" hahahaha. I'll call them on speakerphone sometime for you.
* How my friend Josh E. always answers his phone with a friendly"hello." He has caller ID so he never has to say it like "hello??" He usually emphasizes the HEL and lets the last syllable fall in.
This is in contrast to my friend Lara. This is how the beginning of our phone conversation usually goes.
Lara (sounding really confused): Hello?
Haas: Lara?
Lara (sounding confused): Yeaaah?
Haas: This is Haas
Lara: Hi
* I love making that jump in Mario 1, world 8, level 1. The level seems so easy, but you always know that's coming. It used to psych me out, especially when the music started going faster.
* Listening to Johan talk about how well he pitched. Hell, he could talk about the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act and I'd be enthralled.
* Driving home from work. Even when I had to drive from St. Paul to Minneapolis on 94 during rush hour, it didnt seem so bad. I just zoned out and enjoyed being done with work. Now my drive home consists of cows, woods, cornfields and empty winding roads. I'm very lucky.
* That song that happens to be awesome this week. You know the one, the one that's stuck in your head, and you think it's the best song ever and it makes you happy for the week. That song for me this week is Depeche Mode's Policy of Truth
* Jack Handey quotations
* When you get off your bike and you're like, all tired, but it's a good kind of tired, because you're glad to be where you are and you're glad you biked there. I'd imagine this goes for most physical activity - the release of endorphines, the sweat and the high heart rate - it feels pretty good. I've just never really messed around with that stuff.
* A really great, uplifting blog post. The kind that cure poverty and AIDS and create peace and harmony throughout the world. Cross your fingers.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
What Oils, Fine Tunes, Calibrates and Aligns My Gears
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12:53 AM
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I gotta be honest, I dont think there is anything on this planet that makes me laugh quite like Jack Handy quotes. If SNL knew what they were doing they would find some way to get that kind of thing back onto their show.
One thing that oils, fine tunes,calibrates and alltogether aligns my gears was reading today that #40 on Jim Caples list of 101 things every sports fan must do before they die is catch a town ball game in Minnesota. I know Caple has been a big MN baseball fan since he was a Twins beat writer but it was pretty cool to see a national sports journalist recognize just what a great thing MN has with its amateur baseball. I knew it was great before when I was a part of the CCVL, but after having to play am. ball in ND for the past few years I have really come to appreciate how great the setup is back home. For anyone who hasnt seen that here are the links.
101 things sports fans must do before they die-
article on town ball-
things that make me laugh are when Haas laughs outloud and it really sounds like hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
things that oil my gears:
-Foss screaming "Ada!" at the top of his lungs
-Hopping in my then driveable firebird with hudsons, wearing Guns n Roses T-shirts and bandanas, and have 14 year old girls chase after us screaming how hot we are.
-Sitting under a hot sun with a cold beer and zero noise on an idle boat at somebodies cabin
-Discovering an awesome song that you've never heard before and listening to it more than 3 times in a row.
-TFRezac's spiteful insults
-Watching cute girls smoke a bowl
(but aren't potheads)
-Hearing "Beautiful Day" by U2 because I always think of Joe Nathan walking off the mound right after the twins win at the dome
-Having awesome dreams that make you smile for like the first 45 minutes after you wake up
-Drinking White Russians while watching BIg Lebowski
-sitting on the deck all day in the shade, having Mono but no longer feeling the razor blades in my throat. So I dont have to work or do anything but sit outside all day for the next week.
-Taking a huge crap and not having to wipe 300 times
-Cute girls that smell really good and have a sexy voice
-Thinking about tubing down rivers with a bunch of sweet people and a cooler full of beer
-Driving with the radio off. Try it sometime, its pretty relaxing
-Going to Wisconsin Dells with people other than your family.
I remember the day that I mastered that jump...milestone man, milestone.
I get a good tune up from...
-Hiking up a mountain for a couple hours just to take in the silence, beauty, and a breathtaking sense of accomplishment.
-Biking around with as many friends as possible, exploring places only explorable on a bike.
-Sitting around a well-built camp fire with a bunch of friends, a guitar, and maybe a bottle of wine.
-Basil's pizza at 1:55am
-Live music
Catching some pan fish on a clear night with my old man, sharing a 6 pack and listening to another twins win.
Same as Jeff, Mikes Laugh.
All the people that read and contribute to this blog.
Alright Hamilton for that matter. I don't know what this means to you guys, but I feel that it is the only thing that keeps in touch with real life. I don't get to talk to anyone back home much and this blog connects me more than anything else. Before I get to serious (I know how much Mike hates that) I just want to thank everyone, whether you know it or not AH has gotten me through these last couple months and hopefully will continue until I get home.
going 10-0-1 last week in fantasy baseball.
Those rare occasions when I get to talk with people on the AIM.
Those even more rare occasions when people answer their phones when I call them.
Any episode of the Simpsons with Troy McClure.
When I realized that the Twins logo has the word "WIN" underlined. I never realized that until about a month ago.
I can't believe what a positive article you actually wrote haas. By far my favorite up to this point!!
I just want to add Thurs nights at the cow with good music and chair dancing!
wooters your firebird was awesome... chicks thought we were bad ass... but we were really a couple of bums....wherever you are when you are reading this take a moment of silence for wooter's firebird
-Torturing Ms. Renyolds along with Wuturs in some very descrete, yet incredibly annoying way that would just drive her nuts
-Homer wearing leather dress gloves as batting gloves for VFW ball
-that "got cookies" poster that used to hang in Hudsons room above the garage
-Tones first time getting shitty at that party that got way outta control junior year when my folks were out of town
-Boozing in Bres' garage watching haas light a cig with a blow torch. only to find him later all alone in a huge contruction hole out front.
all things that oil my gears
The other day while driving through South Dakota I pulled over to take a wiz at an offramp in the middle of nowhere. The sun was just setting and I could see fireflies all around me in the tall prarie grass. It made me happy and my gears lubricated. It probably would have been more beautiful if I wasn't pissing.
Other gear oilers:
knowing final jeopardy when none of the other contestants do.
exact change
bikini babes
thinking about that time that I saw Oliver Miller in the MegaMall.
calling the MOA the MegaMall
making out with girls that are out of my league.
opening day
roadtrips where drinking is allowed in the car
not doing my own laundry
i miss my got cookies girl
The funniest thing I've ever seen in my life was Mikey laying in that giant hole in front of Bres' house. The best part about that was Andy wasn't even there.
i almost thing that fine tunes my gears is tricking your friends into taking sweedish chocolates, and then watching them go from being mad to laughing uncontrollably....
Fine Hudson, in retrospect, I had fun eating those swedish chocolates.
And yes, Foss. Having heartburn in mid conversation with Ms. Reynolds and 3 minute-long questions about broken refridgerator magnets absolutely oil my gears.
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