Imagine my delight when I turn on Comcast Sports Net to see the White Sox trailing the Rays in the bottom of ninth inning. That warm feeling quickly faded away as after a few minutes I see Brian Anderson rounding third as the ball is easily on it's way to Rays catcher Riggans. The ball beat Anderson by about 40 feet but Riggans couldn't hold on to the ball, and Anderson touches home plate looking at third base coach Cox and asking him why he sent him.
Still feeling confident that the Rays could pull it off, I sat down on the couch with some Twizzler's to watch the end of the game.
Not exactly sure why BJ Upton let the not-so-fleet footed Pierzinski reach second on Carlos Quentin's deep fly to center. But what was even more confusing was the next play.
With AJ at second and one out. Dye hit a grounder to former Twin short stop Jason Bartlett. Usually when a ball is hit right at the short stop the runner at second will retreat back to his base. But not AJ, he was off on contact and gets caught in a rundown between second and third on Jermaine Dye's fielder's choice. After a bit of running he looked to be tagged out by Bartlett.
Second-base umpire Doug Eddings ruled that Rays third baseman Willy Aybar interfered with Pierzynski as he was turning for second base. If you didn't see the play, I think it's up on But, I'll save you a couple minutes. AJ knowing he was dead in the water looked over his shoulder to a veering off Aybar, he sticks his elbow out, grazes Aybars jersey and does his best Italian soccer player imitation and falls to his ass.
Quote from Bartlett:
"As soon as A.J. tripped, he yelled 'Obstruction!,' I looked at the umpire, thinking he was going to say something like, 'Are you kidding me?' And [Eddings] was like, 'Yep, yep, yep.' Right there, I lost it. I was like, 'What?'"Now, if the name Doug Eddings sounds familiar you're not crazy.

Eddings was even involved in another controversial play not only involving the White Sox but also the Twins this year. On May 8 at US Cellular field the Twins were playing the rubber match game of a three game series. Remember when Guerrier ran around the bases trying to tag out Thome and Quentin as they both stole second and third on another no call strike out on Konerko? Guess who the Ump was? Yep, Doug Mother Effing Eddings. Also, in that same game Neshek had his season ending injury, it was probably Eddings' fault too.
Three very controversial calls in less than 3 years, all involving the same team, and all helping the same team? Sounds awfully suspicious. I am glad instant replay is moving forward, but I think it shouldn't just be for home runs. Home runs, and Doug Eddings' calls.
I totally agree with the article, except that it was BJ Upton in center, not Crawford.
That was such a B.S. call...
Thanks I don't know why I wrote Crawford, I fixed it now.
Irate doesn't even describe the feelings that coursed through my body while seeing that for the first time. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.
A.J. should be fined, and Eddings should be suspended indefinetly.
I totally agree. A.J. must have incriminating photos of Eddings.
I dont think Eddings should be fined, he should just never be allowed to ump a white sox game again.
Everyday Eddie is back with the Twins.
I was thinking about this, but I haven't had time to research it, but maybe someone has.
Is the Obstruction rule, really just if a fielder without the ball touches the runner. Wouldn't be even the definition of obstruction the fielder need to impede the runners progress? In soccer obstruction would never be called if the player simply touched the other player. Nor does it seem to make sense that it would be the case here.
It would make this call even more interesting.
I still like AJ.
Hes the kinda guy who you love when hes on your team but hate when hes on the other team. He was one of the first guys on those Twins teams of the early 2000's that didnt take shit from anyone, even though the Twins were just starting to win some games for the first time in a decade. I mean common, he pimped a eventual game-winning home run in Game 5 vs. the A's in 02' that cleared the fence by inches. That was cool.
The play yesterday might look bush, but the fact remains: he helped win a big game for his team, and was willing to risk looking like an idiot,(and he did look stupid)to do so.
I hate the hes helping the White Sox win games right now, but I still think hes a smart baseball player who could still be doing the same thing for the Twins if they woulda moved Mauer to third and kept AJ like my strongly-worded letter asked the Twins front office to do.
I never liked AJ, even when he was a Twin. I don't like the way he plays the game. I don't mean that he is smart, but that he is a dick.
You could say the same thing about A-rod trying to slap the ball away at first base. He was trying to help his team win, but it's still bullshit.
I am more upset with the Ump for not understanding the purpose of the rule.
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